We began to notice a distinct increase in the Oxford discussion on homelessness in our city. While Oxford is an institution which - unfortunately - supports the socially and academically privileged, this does not mean that its students are complacent and dismissive of the homeless crisis.
In fact, it is this very privilege which allows students to notice the unjust and vulnerable position of the homeless community in the city.
We have noted a growth in debate; people are becoming increasingly vocal of the crisis and there is very much a strong desire amongst the student body to alleviate the problems. We share this desire; and this is why we decided to found HOLD.
We are both in our Second Year, studying English Language and Literature.
Alexander Haveron-Jones
"We founded HOLD to alleviate the stresses experienced by the homeless community, living rough in Oxford. The students of Oxford often tend to forget that, while the city is a surreal and prosperous place for the students, the harsh reality facing the rough sleepers of the city is something that they have to face every day, while we go to lectures and tutorials.
I know that the problem cannot be solved overnight, and we don’t claim to have the solution - but we simply hope that, by spreading word of our cause, we can not only provide Oxford’s homeless with respite and reassurance, but continue to increase the student body’s discussion which will lead to change."
Hamza Rana
"When we began to think about how we could aid the homelessness in this city, it became apparent that there is already such fantastic support offered through pertinent charities in Oxford. This led us to consider what we could personally do, in our capacity as students, to try and improve the everyday lives of these important members of our community, who can so often be overlooked. I believe that no individual should have their chance to access the education or enjoyment that is provided by reading impeded upon, regardless of their situation. Therefore, through distributing books, Oxford students have the ability to offer some comfort to the homeless community, while the university works to tackle the more pressing conditions of homelessness."